About me

Binzhu Xie is a Research Assistant at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), advised by Prof. Qiu Shi and Prof. Pheng Ann Heng. Previously, Binzhu Xie obtained his bachelor degree (2020-2024) from QMUL and BUPT, advised by Prof. Guoshun Nan. From 2023, He is fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate with MMLab@NTU, working closely with Dr. Jingkang Yang and being supervised by Prof. Ziwei Liu.

His current research focuses on visual multimodally understanding, 3D vision (highly related to XR and HCI), etc.

He is looking for a Ph.D. position in 25 Fall!

+ I will attend IEEE VR in Saint-Malo, Franch from 8 - 12, March! 
+ Fell free to chat with me in Booth 1035 in Monday (8, March) or email me!


[25.03] Two papers were accept to CVPR 2025.
[25.01] One work was accpeted as IEEE VR 2025 Posters.
[24.11] One paper was accepted in IEEE AIxVR 2025.
[24.08] Joined CUHK CSE as a junior RA.
[24.07] FunQA was accepted to ECCV 2024.
[24.06] Successfully graduated from BUPT and QMUL.
[24.02] CUVA was accepted to CVPR 2024.
[23.12] DocMSU was accepted to AAAI 2024.
[23.07] We released FunQA Benchmark and organized a competition with 1 million ¥.
[23.07] One paper was accepted to PRCV 2023.

Professional Services

Conference Reviewer: ACL ARR (2025)